Frequently Asked Questions
How To Apply
Credit Transfer & Academics
Payment & Financial Aid
Passport, Visas & Travel
How To Apply
How do I know that ASA is a reputable study abroad provider?
ASA has hosted students from such prestigious universities as Harvard, Cornell, Duke, University of California at Berkeley, University of Michigan, University of Virginia, and many, many more. In addition, we are on the “approved list of programs” for many colleges and universities throughout the country. We are always happy to provide contact information for students currently on our programs, alumni, and study abroad advisors who know our programs so that you can ask them about their experience with ASA.
How do I apply?
Our application guidelines can be found on our How to Apply page.
What is the GPA requirement?
The minimum GPA requirement varies by program. Use the Program Locations menu at the top right of our website to navigate to your city, and then click Eligibility to see the GPA requirement.
What is the application deadline?
The Application Deadline varies by program and term. Use the Program Locations menu at the top right of our website to navigate to your city, and then click Cost and Dates to see Application Deadlines and Payment Deadlines. Full payment for your program fees (or verification of your financial aid) is due by the Payment Deadline. A non-refundable Down Payment may be required in advance of the Payment Deadline in order to secure your space.
How far before the deadline should I apply?
It's always best to apply early! Some programs fill up before the deadline. For many programs, applying early will give you the best possible course and housing selection. Applying at the last minute, or after the deadline, may result in late fees and/or diminished housing and course selection. If you’re unsure about when is the best time to apply for your desired program, just give us a call at 617-327-9388.
I don’t have my passport yet. Can I still apply?
For many ASA programs, you can complete the rest of your application, minus the scan of your passport. However, some host institutions must have a photocopy of your valid passport in order to enroll you in classes and housing, and for other programs you need to start applying for your visa soon after being accepted. So, for some programs we need a copy of your passport when you apply, or very shortly thereafter. A VALID PASSPORT IS ONE THAT DOES NOT EXPIRE WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF YOUR RETURN DATE FROM ABROAD. To find out if your program requires a passport at the time of application, use the Program Locations menu at the top right of our website to navigate to your city, and then click Eligibility.
No matter which ASA program you’re applying for, please apply for a passport immediately if you don’t have one already! It can take longer to process than you expect, and it's best to get it done sooner rather than later. If you already have a passport, check the expiration date and ensure it doesn’t expire within 6 months of your return date from abroad. (Go to the “Passports, Visas & Travel” section of this page to find out how to apply for or renew a passport.)
Is the application fee refundable?
Please view our refund policy here.
What are the program dates?
The dates are different for each program location and term. Use the Program Locations menu at the top right of our website to navigate to your city, and then click Cost & Dates to see the GPA requirement.
How soon will I find out if I’ve been accepted?
In most cases, will receive an email from us regarding your acceptance within 3 business days of receiving your complete application package, containing all of the documents required for your application. There will be additional, post-acceptance paperwork for you to fill out once you have been accepted by ASA. To find out what documents are required for our application, use the Program Locations menu at the top right of our website to navigate to your city, and then click Eligibility.
How many people go on this program, and where are they from?
Depending on which program you choose, the number of ASA students per group normally varies from 10-60 students. We receive students from all over the United States, from hundreds of different college and universities. Keep in mind that no matter which program you attend, your host institution will have other students attending the institution besides just ASA students, so you will meet students in your classes who are from outside the ASA group.
Credit Transfer & Academics
How many credits can I earn?
The number of credits you can earn varies by host institution and term. Please view the Course Offerings for your desired program to find out the number of credits you can earn.
Are credits transferable?
Yes, credits are transferable, but you must first get pre-approval and the proper signatures from your home institution’s Study Abroad Office or Office of International Education/International Programs. They will help you determine how many credits will transfer. You can find course offerings and descriptions by navigating to your Program Location using the Program Locations menu. After your program ends, ASA will send your final official transcript to your home institution for you.
You should always get DOUBLE the number of classes approved than you will actually take, to allow flexibility at registration. Having extra classes approved will give you back-ups you can get credit for, in case your top choices aren’t available. Sometimes there are changes in available courses due to cancellations or schedule conflicts. At many institutions, class schedules aren’t finalized until just before the term begins, so schedule conflicts can occur.
How many hours a day will I have class while I’m abroad?
This depends on how many credits you are taking. Most semester students taking a full load of classes (minimum 12 credits for a semester) and summer students taking 6 credits will be in class 3 to 4 hours a day. This will leave you plenty of free time to explore your city.
What kinds of classes can I take?
ASA’s programs offer classes in a wide variety of subject areas! You can select subject areas from the dropdown on our Program Finder page. Or, you can go to our Courses page to see what types of classes are offered through each of our programs.
How soon will I receive my grades once my program is over?
Typically, we receive final transcripts about 2-3 months after your program’s end date. Once we receive your final transcript, we will send the official copy to your home institution and email an unofficial PDF copy to you so you can see your grades. It is usually not possible to expedite transcripts and receive them sooner than 2-3 months after your program end date because transcript processing is outside of ASA's control. However, if there is a specific date by which you need your transcript in order to graduate or transfer schools, please notify ASA by calling 617-327-9388.
Will the actual grades transfer into my GPA, or will I receive pass/fail grades for my study abroad classes?
The transcript you receive after completing an ASA program WILL have grades/marks (NOT pass/fail grades). However, whether the grade transfers into your GPA is entirely determined by your home institution. At some institutions, study abroad grades factor into your GPA, and other institutions you may have the option to transfer in the credits as pass/fail. Please check with your home institution’s Study Abroad Office to find out about their policy.
I need additional transcripts to apply to grad school / transfer to a different school / etc. How to request this?
Please email or call 617-327-9388. Additional transcripts cost $20 each and are sent with tracking. You will need to provide ASA with the address of where to send the transcript, including the institution name, department/ATTN person, and physical address (NO PO BOXES). It can take 5-10 business days to process transcript requests.
Does ASA offer graduate-level programs?
No. All of our programs are at the undergraduate level.
Do I have to be currently enrolled as an undergrad to go on an ASA program?
This depends on the program. Some of our programs are open to "gap" students who have graduated from high school but have not gone to college yet, and some programs are only open to currently enrolled undergraduates. The Eligibility information for each program will tell you - to find it, use the Program Locations menu at the top right of our website, navigate to your city, and click Eligbility. You can also speak with an ASA representative at 617-327-9388 to find out which programs you're eligible for.
Payment & Financial Aid
How much does the program cost and what is included?
The program price and what is included vary by program. Please use the Program Locations menu at the top right of our website, navigate to your city, and then click Cost & Dates to see prices and a list of what's included.
When is payment due, and what types of payment does ASA accept?
Please visit our Financial Information page. It answers these questions and more!
Where can I find information about scholarships and financial aid?
What is the cancellation policy?
You can find this information on this page.
Passport, Visas & Travel
How do I get a passport?
You can pick up a passport application at most any U.S. Post Office. Or, click here.
For some ASA programs, we'll need a scan of your valid passport at the time of application. If a copy of your valid passport isn’t required at the time of application, it will be required very soon after you're accepted. So, please don't delay in applying for a passport! It can take longer to process than you expect. You can find out whether your valid passport is needed at the time of application by using the Program Locations menu at the top right of our website, then navigate to your city, and click Eligibility.
A VALID PASSPORT IS ONE THAT DOES NOT EXPIRE WITHIN 6 MONTHS OF YOUR RETURN DATE FROM ABROAD. If you already have a passport, check the expiration date. If you don’t have a passport yet, or if yours expires between now and 6 months of your return date from abroad, you MUST apply for one right away, as they can take 8 weeks or more to process by regular service. We always recommend you take advantage of expedited passport service, which should get you a passport in 2-3 weeks.
Do I need a student visa?
Reminder: to get your visa in time for departure, you'll need to have your valid passport in hand a minimum of 3 months before departure. Please don't delay in applying for a passport!
NOTE: The following visa information applies to U.S. passport holders. Visa requirements may vary for non-U.S. passport holders.
You can find detailed visa application instructions for all ASA programs in our Pre-Departure Guide page. Students who overstay their visa or travel without the proper visa are subject to fines, deportation, and dismissal from the ASA program. ASA is not responsible for any repercussions, loss of credits, or loss of program fees resulting from overstaying your visa or failing to obtain the proper visa.
- Students going to England or Scotland: If you’re going to study in the UK for under 6 months (e.g. a Semester or Summer program) and are not going to undertake an internship, you aren’t required to apply for a Student Visa before you depart, but there are certain documents you'll need to bring with you to gain entry to the UK. If you're going to study in the UK for under 6 months but are thinking about later extending your study past 6 months, you must obtain a Student Visa prior to departure. If you’re going to study in the UL for more than 6 months (e.g. an academic year) or if you are going to study and intern for any length of time (including under 6 months), you must obtain a Student Visa prior to departure. Please see our Pre-Departure Guide page for detailed information about the visa process for the UK.
- Students going to Ireland: U.S. passport holders may study in Ireland for up to 90 days within a 180-day period as a tourist, with no prior visa (this is called entering on a Tourist Visa, indicated by a stamp you’ll receive in your passport upon your first entry to Ireland. To get your stamp, you’ll need to bring certain documents with you.) Therefore, students attending a Summer program in Ireland will have a maximum of 90 days to study and travel in Ireland without having to get a visa or apply for a visa extension after arrival. Students attending a semester or academic year program in Ireland (that is more than 90 days long) will also receive a 90-day stamp in their passport upon first entry to Ireland, but after arrival they must apply for a visa extension using certain documents that you must bring with you. The cost of the visa extension is approximately 300 euro – subject to change. Our on-site staff will assist students with the visa extension process. Please see our Pre-Departure Guide page for detailed information and to find out the documents you'll need to bring with you.
- Students going to Spain, Italy, and France: If your program duration is less than 90 days, U.S. passport holders don’t need to apply for a Student Visa. U.S. passport holders may stay the Schengen Area for up to 90 days within a 180-day period as a tourist, with no prior visa. This is called entering on a Tourist Visa, indicated by a stamp you’ll receive in your passport upon your first entry to the Schengen Area. This visa cannot be extended or renewed. Students on a Tourist (Schengen) Visa MUST leave the Schengen Area within 90 days or risk fines and deportation. Students going to Spain, Italy, or France for longer than 90 days (e.g. a semester program) will need to apply for a Student Visa about 3 months prior to departure at the Spanish/Italian/French Consulate in the U.S. that represents your state’s jurisdiction. IMPORTANT! DO NOT PLAN ANY INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL DURING THE 3 MONTHS LEADING UP TO THE START OF YOUR PROGRAM, AS THIS MAY INTERFERE WITH YOUR VISA PROCESS. Please see our Pre-Departure Guide page for detailed information on how to apply.
- Students going to Argentina: If you're going on a summer (under 90 days) program to Argentina, U.S. passport holders don't need to apply for a visa before they depart. If you're going on a semester program to Argentina, you must apply for a Visa about 3 months prior to departure at the Argentine Consulate in the U.S. that represents your state's jurisdiction. Students who are not U.S. passport holders may need apply for a FBI Background Check in order to have their visa processed. It can take the FBI about 12 weeks to process a Background Check, so if you don’t have a U.S. passport and are planning to study abroad in Argentina, please contact ASA as soon as possible at 617-327-9388. IMPORTANT: DO NOT PLAN ANY INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL DURING THE 3 MONTHS LEADING UP TO THE START OF YOUR PROGRAM, AS THIS MAY INTERFERE WITH YOUR VISA PROCESS.
- Students going to the Netherlands: If your program duration is less than 90 days (e.g. Summer programs), U.S. passport holders don’t need to apply for a Residence Permit. If your program duration is over 90 days (e.g. Semester programs), U.S. passport holders must apply for a Residence Permit prior to departure. A residence permit is a plastic card issued by the Dutch immigration Service (IND). This card serves as proof of your identity, nationality and lawful residence in the Netherlands. In conjunction with the Maastricht University visa office, Maastricht University will handle the arrangements for your residence permit. Students will be required to complete and collect a list of documents, including a certified copy of your birth certificate as well as have it apostilled. Please see our Pre-Departure Guide page for detailed information on the residence permit.
When should I book a flight?
Please wait to book a flight until you're accepted to the program and you receive an email from ASA with detailed arrival and departure instructions. This will ensure you don't miss any mandatory orientations, and help you arrive in time for our airport pick-up. For flight booking tips, click here.
Can I travel on my own during the program?
Absolutely. You will have free time to travel on weekends and during scheduled breaks. Just be sure to let your parents, Site Director or someone at your host institution know where you are going and when you will return. Some students also choose to travel before or after the program. If you want to do this, just make sure that you are not overstaying your limit in your host country according to its Visa regulations.
Please don’t book any non-refundable personal travel before you depart, since you may want to plan your trips with the new friends you make while you’re abroad. Also, please plan to take your personal trips during scheduled breaks or holidays. You may be penalized for unexcused absences from class. Finally, traveling every single weekend may interfere with your studies. We want everyone to do well in their classes!
How much luggage can I bring?
We recommend you bring ONE checked bag, ONE carry-on bag, and ONE backpack - that's it. Check your airline’s luggage policy to find out their weight and size limits, as every airline has different regulations. DO NOT BRING MORE LUGGAGE THAN YOU CAN CARRY BY YOURSELF! Be sure to leave some extra room for souvenirs, or bring along an extra lightweight duffel bag to bring things home.
How to avoid the airline “losing” your luggage? Fly direct (when possible) and if you can’t, check only ONE bag...
If you’re flying direct from the U.S., you’re in luck, because delayed luggage happens much less often when you fly direct. However, if you have a connection and you check 2 bags, the chances really increase that your luggage won’t make it to your destination at the same time you do! Why? The airplanes on the connecting flights are much smaller than the airplane you left the U.S. on, and they aren’t built to hold 2 checked suitcases per passenger. If a lot of passengers have checked 2 bags apiece, some of the bags are going to get left behind at the connecting airport, where they’ll have to wait until there is space on an upcoming flight before being sent on to the destination. This can result in delays of anywhere from 1-4 days before you get your bags back! If you are not flying direct from the U.S., you can help reduce your chances of having delayed luggage by checking just ONE bag. One checked bag, one carry-on, and one backpack can hold more than enough stuff for a semester-long program - we promise! Always pack your carry-on as if you won’t have your bags for a full 5 days! Your carry-on should have extra clothes, toiletries, and essentials to last 5 days, plus your laptop & charger, cell phone charger, and prescription medication to last 2 weeks.
What is the local currency?
- UK – British Pound Sterling
- Spain – Euro
- Ireland (Republic of Ireland) – Euro (NOTE: Northern Ireland’s currency is the Pound. Dublin is located in the Republic of Ireland, therefore, Dublin students will use the Euro.)
- France – Euro
- Italy – Euro
- Chile – Chilean Peso (CLP)
- Peru – Nuevo Sol (PEN)
- Argentina – Argentine Peso (ARS)
For the most current exchange rates, go to
Are any excursions included with the ASA program?
Yes, at least one day excursion is included with most of our programs. Some programs also include one or more overnight excursions. The number and kind of excursions included vary per program location and duration. To see how many and what type of excursions are included with your program, go to the Excursion section within the location you're interested in and then click on the price of your program to see a list of what is and is not included.

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