Now Boarding: Your Flight to Greece

Words and photos by Aquinna Murphy who is studying abroad on Paros Island, Greece, during Spring semester 2022.

I have been anticipating this day (March 3rd) for six long months. As I write this, at the airport waiting to depart for a semester studying abroad on Paros Island in Greece, my excitement grows.

I started packing about a week ago. It is important to begin thinking ahead of time about everything you want to bring, so you know if there is anything you want to buy beforehand. I read through my pre-departure guide many times before packing. In the guide, it outlined that I will not have a heater in my apartment; therefore, I made sure to pack lots of layers. Similarly, the guide pointed out that Greeks tend to wear more neutral colors, so bringing bright colored clothing would make me stand out as an American. My checked suitcase was packed three days before my departure. I did this, so I could weigh it (nothing is worse than getting to the airport and your checked bag is ten pounds overweight). It also allowed me to visualize what I had, giving me enough time to run to the store for anything I forgot. Now, I feel completely prepared for my trip!

Although I am over the moon excited for this adventure, there are a few things I am still nervous about. I do not know anyone else studying abroad in Paros. I am coming into this completely blind, but honestly that inspires me even more. Another thing I am slightly worried about is trying to fit into the Greek island culture. Here in America, we are used to things being easy and efficient. I know that won’t necessarily be the case in Paros. Although this may cause some frustration in the first few weeks, I know I will grow to love the island time way of life. Anything that stresses me out now, will be both a learning experience and a gift in the future.

These next few months are going to give me the opportunities of a lifetime. I cannot wait to immerse myself in the Greek culture, study at HISA (the Hellenic International Studies in the Arts), travel, meet amazing people, and eat great food!

Next stop Athens!

Thanks Aquinna!

Steph Sadler