How to Travel While Studying Abroad on a Budget

Words and photos by Maddie Firmin who is studying abroad in Florence during Spring semester 2022.

Traveling to various European countries or cities from your host city can be inexpensive if planned correctly.


For the best prices, schedule and book your trips early! My friends and I sat down and filled out a document listing all the places we each wanted to go and all the dates of weekends or breaks. We then filled in the weekends with the destinations. For destinations outside of Italy or events such as St Patrick’s Day in Ireland, we made sure to book early so prices would not go up. Consider travel time to the country, means of travel, weather, unique events or festivals, and how long you would want to spend there. This can help map out which weekends are most suitable for what you are looking to accomplish.

Booking travel transportation and accommodations early is also helpful. This means you’ll be able to pay for all weekend trips upfront and then be able to accurately see how much money you have to spend on food, activities, and other costs. This will allow you to budget more effectively throughout the semester.


Utilize various sources to find the cheapest plane tickets. Check prices of different airports in bigger cities and calculate the cost of a bus or train ticket to that city. We have flown on an €8 flight out of Milan that would have cost close to €100 from Florence. You may have to sacrifice a little convenience to be able to save money on the flight. Sites like StudentUniverse put together great student deals. Many providers work directly with study abroad students to provide cheap and convenient transportation and accommodation.

Purchase multi-day train or bus passes for the city you are traveling to in advance. Single ride passes can add up. Taxi services are available in many cities and can be cheap when split among friends. However, walking is my preferred method of getting around unless I absolutely have to utilize a ride share service, subway, train, or bus.


Hostels are great budget-friendly options when traveling on the weekends. By doing research on Hostelworld, you can read reviews and find hostels that work best for you. Hostels can range from $10-$40 a night depending on the room type (shared or private). Oftentimes, when traveling with a group, splitting a private room can be just as cheap as a bed in a shared room, so consider all options. Many will be geared towards young travelers and are a great way to meet other people.

Look for hostels with a self-service kitchen where you can cook your own meals and save money on food when traveling. Some hostels will even cook discounted dinners and breakfasts. They may also have other perks such as free local public transportation, discounts on activities, free walking tours, and more, so take advantage of all that they offer! When booking a hostel, booking directly through the company’s website can oftentimes save you a little bit of money as opposed to booking through a site like Hostelworld.

Airbnb can also be a great option if you are splitting the cost with a large group of friends. Airbnbs can range in price depending on the location. In cities, they can be expensive, so I would recommend this option for smaller cities or towns especially during the off-season. 


Cooking at home almost every night will save you lots of money. Eating out every once in a while is still a great idea, but be mindful how many nights you go out to eat. Find the budget locations within your city for a good meal. When traveling, stay away from eating at or near touristy locations. The prices can often be higher, and the food could be less authentic. As mentioned earlier, utilize the kitchen at your Airbnb or hostel. I like to go out to dinner to still experience the local food and try to save money by cooking lunch and eating breakfast at the hostel. 


When booking activities, ask if a student discount is available! It never hurts to ask and may save you some money. Do research across various companies when booking excursions. I like to book activities through Airbnb Experiences. They are often inexpensive and are hosted by locals, so you get to meet others and be connected to the local culture! In certain cities, such as London, booking activities in bundles you save money. Take advantage of free walking tours or free museums to be able to be introduced to the history and culture of the city.

Expenses while studying abroad can inevitably add up, but there are steps to take to save money on extra travel. Seeing the world and experiencing all of your bucket list activities will be worth it and can be done even on a budget! Prepare, set goals, and plan early.

Thanks Maddie!

Steph Sadler