What to Pack in Your Carry-On for Study Abroad

Packing for your carry-on isn’t as easy as it seems. Due to the smaller size of the luggage it is much more restrictive, but because it is the only luggage you keep on your person what you put in there MATTERS. You want to place as many necessities (and any valuables) in your carry-on as possible, since you know that it will with you throughout your journey abroad.

What to Pack in your carry on - PIN.jpg

Here are some items that we strongly recommend you bring in your carry-on:

Multiple changes of clothes

This might seem odd to you if you’re hearing this for the first time, but like I said, there’s a chance something could go wrong with your checked bags. Although it’s unlikely, your checked luggage could be delayed. Some past students have had luggage delayed for 3-4 days! Unless you plan on a shopping spree when you arrive, have a couple outfits handy. Maybe even a pair of pajamas!


Pajamas brings us to toiletries. You can bring in your carry-on a spare (travel-sized) toothbrush and toothpaste just in case. Plus, you might want to give your teeth a good brush after several hours on a plane! Just remember that all liquids, including gels, lotions, toothpaste, etc., need to be 3.4 ounces or less, otherwise TSA will throw it out right in front of you. It’s a sad situation when this happens, so let’s try to avoid it by being conscious of the size of your liquids. Anything that you need liquid-wise that is over 3.4 ounces has to be checked. Also, make sure your reusable water bottle is empty, unless you want to chug it before going through security.

Cell-phone & Charger

You’ll want your cell phone on you anyway, of course, but it’s important to bring your charger too. The trip can be several hours long and unless you also bring a riveting book or something that doesn’t have batteries, you might be on your cell phone a lot during waiting times. 

Laptop & Charger 

Again, there might be a movie you can watch on your laptop, or work you’d like to get done while on the plane, so a laptop is good to have with you. Plus, you should never check an expensive electronic like that either. Despite the amazing people who work for airports all over the world, you don’t want to lose your items or have anything stolen while your checked luggage is in transit.

Glasses & Contacts + Extras and Solution

If you need glasses or contacts, please take them and extra pairs/solutions with you on the plane. We want you to be able to see where you’re going, and it’s especially useful to have these if your checked bags are delayed.

Prescription medications, in the original containers 

This is better to have on hand as well in case of luggage being delayed. We also strongly urge that you are sure to bring enough medication to last the length of your entire program. If you have any questions or concerns regarding prescription medication, such as how to bring it with you or if there’s any way to get it while you’re abroad, please feel free to reach out to us. 

In fact, if you have any questions or concerns at all - related to your carry-on or other study abroad topics - give us a call at 617-327-9388 or send us an email at hello@academicstudies.com. Thanks and have a great trip!

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