Learning a Language Abroad

When I was first considering studying abroad, it was VERY frightening to think of living for an entire semester in a country where I didn’t speak the native language. Questions like…how will I ask for the bathroom, how am I supposed to read a menu, or how will I navigate the streets, were consistently circling in my mind.

Well…turns out that not only is it possible to get by, but you will actually love to learn this new language!

Here are some tips for learning a language abroad:

#1: Embrace every opportunity

And by embrace every opportunity I mean try speaking the language AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. See what opportunities your university has, try ordering food in the native language, seek out a local citizen who is willing to have a slow conversation with you. Practice makes perfect!

#2: Devote Time Each Day to Study the Language

Even if it’s 15 minutes a day to study the most common 100 words or phrases. It might not seem like a lot but after a couple weeks you will surprise yourself.

#3: Take a Language Class

As cliché as it sounds, taking a class in whatever language you want to learn is helpful! And trust me…this class will not be like your Spanish 101 class in high school, you will actually learn more than conjugating verbs!

#4: Read a Book with Short Simple Text 

The best kinds are children’s books because they have A LOT of pictures. This will help with your reading and comprehension skills in the new language. 

Before you know it you will be reading simple street signs, speaking basic phrases, and you might even be able to order coffee in your own.

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