Before You Depart for Study Abroad: To-Do List

With excitement knocking down your door because you depart for your study abroad experience of a lifetime SO soon, it is super easy to forget to do important things that will make your trip to your host country easy peasy. 

Because we know how many students can fall victim to forgetfulness, we have created a couple lists reminding you of things to pack, download and double-check for your trip.

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With only so little space in a carry-on, you want to maximize your space while packing the items that you absolutely cannot go without (delayed luggage) or lose (lost luggage). You don’t need five pairs of shoes or all of your reading books, because those are all replaceable. Here is a list of carry-on musts to bring:

  1. Flight itinerary & passport

    • Plus copies of picture page & visa page (if you have a visa) in case you lose originals

  2. ASA last minute checklist

  3. Essential personal items

    • Toiletries, contacts, glasses & at least one change of clothes (including underwear, socks, etc.)

  4. Medical insurance card, ATM & Credit cards

  5. Contact info & documents

    • This includes ASA/Emergency contact info & all visa/entry documents

  6. Any & all medications you might need in their original containers

    • Plus the printed out prescription

Take a picture of your passport’s picture page and visa page (if you have a visa). Save it to your phone and text a copy to your parent/guardian. Don’t be that student who swears you won’t lose your passport/visa but then you cannot remember which crevice of your bag it is stuffed in or if it was packed at all before you’ve even checked into your flight. Take pictures. Keep it close to your body (in a backpack or purse) and have it ready to go. 

While physical items are harder to keep track of, information and tools on your phone are easy to download and store. The age of technology has allowed for some awesome ways to stay connected, safe and travel efficiently. ASA recommends (and requires- for a few) that students download these helpful apps. 

  1. WhatsApp

    • For texting, calling and video chatting your friends and family back home for free. Also for keeping your ASA Site Director updated if your flight is delayed.

  2. CISI Traveler

    • For all your medical insurance needs abroad

  3. Safeture

    • This will keep you safe abroad with emergency and location services! ASA will email you our subscription code shortly before your departure.

  4. XE Currency

    • Get real time exchange rates- especially helpful if you are traveling a lot on weekends to countries that have a different currency

  5. Your airline app

    • Get up-to-the-minute notifications about delays, cancellations, or gate changes

*Remember to look at your last minute checklist or else you could forget the visa/entry documents you’ll need to enter your host country -- or miss info about how to get into your housing!

The pre-departure preparation is when all of the momentum of studying abroad begins to build up, so remember to take a breath, make your lists, check them twice, and know that you are going to be okay. Everything will work out (especially if you stay on top of things). Challenges and hurdles are inevitable, but it’s all a part of the growth process that you will experience from this opportunity. So get excited!!!!

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