ASA Excursions from Viña del Mar

To understand a country in greater depth, including its history and its culture, we encourage you to explore beyond your host location! We plan some excursions to help you do just that (and you’re welcome, of course, to venture off on your own during your breaks and weekends).

If you’re spending a semester abroad in Viña del Mar, you’ll have at least two day trips included in your program:  

Excursions planned for each program vary, but past terms have included trips to:


(Day trip)

Walk through the vibrant, slightly crumbly, streets of Valparaiso and find out why some travelers to Chile spend more time here in the “Jewel of the Pacific” than the capital. It’s an UNESCO World Heritage city, rich in architectural and cultural legacy, and it’s just a quick 10-minute drive from Viña del Mar. Explore what Lonely Planet refers to as “a maze of steep, sinuous streets, alleys and escaleras (stairways) piled high with crumbling mansions” and see some of the best street art around. You’ll also find Latin America’s oldest stock exchange, Chile’s first public library, and 15 extremely rare funicular railways.


(Day trip)

On another day trip, about an hour and 15-minute drive from Viña del Mar, we visit the house and museum of Nobel Prize-winning Chilean writer and poet, Pablo Neruda. He’s considered by many to be the greatest poet of the 20th century. Several of his homes are now open to the public. The one we visit is on Isla Negra. He once wrote: “The Pacific Ocean was off the map. There was nowhere to put it. It was so big and messy and blue that it didn't fit anywhere. That's why they left it in front of my window.” He came here to write in solitude. Now it is also a museum where we can learn more about his fascinating life—his passionate writings, controversial political involvement, and exile.

If you’re studying abroad on a semester program, you’ll also typically have included activities like horseback riding on the beach, hiking on Mount Campana, and a visit to Ruca Mapuche.

Which adventure sounds most exciting to you?

Steph Sadler