27 Questions to Ask a Study Abroad Advisor

We have three Senior Programs Advisors on board to help guide you during your study abroad decision-making process and beyond. They are very approachable and love to share both their extensive knowledge and their enthusiasm for international education!

Want to meet the team?

Peter Cruz is based in Austin, Texas. Growing up in a military family, he lived in Hawaii, Tennessee, Okinawa (Japan) and North Carolina where he went to university. Later, serving in the Peace Corps, he taught life skills and English to students in Morocco. After nearly a decade coaching collegiate level volleyball, he transitioned to a career pathway that follows his passion for international education.

Alaina Morais is a graduate of Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts. She studied abroad in 2016 in Florence, Italy and developed a love for travel after visiting Spain, Greece, Germany, Switzerland and England. Now she enjoys helping other students have an experience similar to her own.

Katia Sowers works in our Durham, New Hampshire office. She grew up in California with a travel-loving family who hosted international exchange students. She received her B.A. in International Relations and Russian from University of California, Davis. There, she studied abroad in Russia and then travelled the world for a few years before earning her M.S. in Environmental Education in Oregon. Now, she loves helping students to get started on their own study abroad journey.

Peter, Alaina and Katia are easy to get in touch with through our website chat, or you can use our form to request a call back (https://www.academicstudies.com/request-a-call).

Not sure what to ask? In no particular order, here are some questions they can help you answer:  

  1. Am I eligible to study abroad?

  2. How soon do I need to start planning and what needs to be done when?

  3. Where will I find the best program for my major and my personality?  

  4. How long can I go for?

  5. Where will I live?

  6. What will the classes be like?

  7. How many credits will I take and how do I make sure they apply to my major?

  8. Can I also intern or volunteer?

  9. Do I need a visa?

  10. What support is available when I arrive?

  11. How diverse is the student population where I’ll be studying?

  12. How do I stay safe when I study abroad?

  13. Are there any covid-related considerations to take into account?

  14. What are the program inclusions?

  15. I have x challenge (illness, accessibility needs, other challenges, etc). What accommodations are available to me and what do I need to think about before I study abroad?

  16. What are some of the challenges I might run into while I’m abroad and what should I do if x happens?

  17. Can I study in a country where I don’t know the language?

  18. How can I meet locals?

  19. How can I make the most of my study abroad experience?

  20. Will I have opportunities to play x sport or engage in x hobby abroad?

  21. Will study abroad impact my graduation date?

  22. What are the costs of a study abroad program?

  23. Is there any funding available and how do I apply?

  24. What should I pack?

  25. Is there a meal plan available and how does it work?

  26. Are resources available to help me with reverse culture shock when I come home?

  27. Why should I choose ASA as my study abroad provider?  

Of course, this is not an extensive list and you’ll like have many other questions of your own. We’d love to answer all of them!

Steph Sadler