17 Tips Every Study Abroad Student Should Hear Before They Depart

Regardless of the country you chose to study abroad in, there is a general rule of thumb when it comes to living in a new city or traveling to others. Hopefully these tips help you navigate!

Written By: Alison Chedekel

Written By: Alison Chedekel

#1: Speak the Language

Regardless of how bad your language skills are, just try! Locals always appreciate you speaking in the local tongue and will take more kindly to you.

#2: Routine, Routine, Routine

Try and adjust to the local daily routine. For example, in Spain it is common for people to take an afternoon siesta. Basically mid-day nap time, and they also eat dinner much later in the day. The sooner you adapt to these lifestyle changes the easier your life will be.

#3: Download City Mapper

It is a great tool for getting around cities – it shows, metro maps, bus routes, walking directions, and more! The biggest bonus is that you can download the directions and maps so you can still see them without WIFI or data!

#4: Local SIM cards

Look into getting a local SIM card instead of signing up for an international plan with your current carrier. Local SIM cards are MUCH cheaper and usually have better service. Tip: just because you bought a SIM card for Italy doesn’t mean it will work in Switzerland – beware!

#5: Stay in your Home City for a Couple Weekends

It can be really exciting to book a lot of trips every weekend of your semester, but try and plan for some weekends in your home city. It can be really tiring to be constantly on the move and this gives you an opportunity to explore more and save money.

#6: Explore the Cities outside the Cities

When you arrive in a new city, be sure to look into the smaller cities outside of the major ones. Sites just under an hour outside of Barcelona, Munich, Buenos Aires, and Florence are all hidden gems.

#7: Be Prepared for Reverse Culture shock

Once you’re back home you will desperately miss the freedom, experiences, and friends you made.

#8: Take Advantage of Free Walking Tours

Free walking tours (yes, you should tip them) are a great way to quickly get to know a city and learn some history. They usually last an hour or so and if you do one early in the day you’ll be able to get around more easily the rest of the duration of the trip. You will also get tips from a local! P.S. don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes!

#9: Watch For Concerts or Events

Look up concerts and festivals happening in the upcoming months! It can be fun to plan a trip around an event! Tip: London has great Christmas markets, instead of traveling there in October, plan it for December instead!

#10: Ask the Locals

Try to not rely on other travelers too much for restaurant recommendations, ask the locals! Also avoid places where there’s pictures of food on the menu or someone from the restaurant inviting you in, these are generally tourist traps and are overpriced!

#11: Metro Pass

If you’re in a big city, look into getting a metro pass. Make sure to hold onto the receipt incase you end up losing it, someone will replace it free of charge.

#12: Riding the Metro

In certain cities you will pay for one ride tickets. Hold onto these! Sometimes when you exit the metro there will be employees scanning the ticket to make sure you used it and didn’t “Sneak in”…trust me. I lost 40 euros because of this.

#13: Dining out Abroad is Different Than Dining out in the U.S.

When dining out, waiters or waitress’ want to make it an experience and will likely not rush you. Don’t be afraid to flag waitstaff over to ask for the check. If you plan on splitting the check, have one friend pay the bill and just Venmo friends after. It is rude to ask the waiter to split the bill and they will likely not do so.

#14: Reusable Water Bottle

Get a reusable water bottle and fill up when you can! Water is almost never free in other countries.


Always be aware of pickpockets, especially in Barcelona. Locals may be friendly and even offer to teach you a “handshake”, this is another way for them to reach into your pocket while you’re not looking. Buddy system!

#16: Don’t Take Free Things from Strangers

Don’t take things that people may offer to you on the street, such as a bracelet. Even if they say it’s free…it’s not and they won’t stop following you until you give them money or the item back. 

#17: Gelato

When it comes to gelato, avoid the places that stack it really high and “make it look pretty”. These are a tourist trap! What you want is the gelato that’s sealed in a freezer case. When in doubt, ask you ASA site director where they recommend for gelato! If you are ever in Florence, Gelateria de Neri is glorious. 

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