Academic Studies Abroad

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Why You Should Do An Internship While Studying Abroad

As every college student experiences, an internship during your college career is key to learning the ropes of your major. An internship on your resume can set you apart from other candidates giving you a leg up in the professional working world. However, an international internship not only sets you apart from other candidates but also allows a future employer to see specific qualities in you such as, confidence, independence, leadership, and self-motivation.

A LOT of college students decide to go abroad but only a select determined few decide to participate in an internship abroad. These few students are definitely set apart from the rest.

Here are 10 reasons why you should do an internship during your semester abroad:

  1. Build Your Confidence:
    Doing an internship in general can be scary…and committing to doing one abroad can be even scarier. We promise, all of the fears you face in this internship will help you gain confidence in what you are capable of.

  2. Independence:

    Making the decision to live abroad for a few months or even a whole year can make any students feel a mix of a lot of different emotions, however, once you are there and interning on your own it gives you a real sense of independence.

  3. Improve Language Skills:

    Although most internships do not require you to speak another language you will definitely have to face the language barrier challenge. Whether you realize it or not, you will increase your fluency within that language.

  4. Gain Real Life Experience:

    Just going to class, completing homework assignments, and writing papers will not be enough to get you an interview with your dream job BUT having hands on experience will! In fact, employers prefer to see work experience rather than a 4-year degree.

  5. Build Your Work Ethic:

    During your internship you will be asked to do a wide range of tasks such as coffee runs, take notes during a meeting, schedule appointments, assist with team projects. There will be days where it feels like you are doing nothing important and days where you will be contributing to the most important of projects. Both will show you who you are, what you are willing to do in order to succeed, and how hard you can work to find your calling.

  6. Networking Internationally:

    You can never have too many people in your network. During your internship you will meet so many new people and make so many new connections and this is key for references, letters of recommendations, and potential job offers.

  7. Build Your Resume:

    Employers are looking for people with related experience and something that makes you stand out. News flash…doing an internship during your study abroad semester WILL MAKE YOU STAND OUT! It is different and shows you aren’t afraid to work hard.

  8. Figure Out What You Like And Don’t Like:

    An internship is the perfect scenario to start making a list of things that you enjoy in a job and things you don’t like in a job. This will really help you in the future when it comes down to deciding what you want to do after college. Of course, every job will have its good days and bad days. 

  9. Adaptability:

    You will quickly adapt to understand the nuances of a new culture, language, and workplace performance. 

  10. Professional Experience:

    Having professional experience is such a game changer when it comes to applicants. If you intern abroad you will be sure to come back with skills like knowing how to act in a professional setting, email etiquette, proper business attire, and MUCH more. This is something any hiring manager will look at and say “Yes, we should definitely interview this person”.