Academic Studies Abroad

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What to Pack for Study Abroad

“How much luggage should I bring?” Oh the dreaded question that every study abroad student asks and wonders about. 

Once students secure their spot abroad, the panic of packing for a three or four month trip abroad sets in. Even for students doing January or summer term, there is a lot to consider, especially with weather changing so unpredictably lately, when packing for your travels. 

ASA suggests to pack one main full-sized luggage piece, a carry-on piece and a backpack (second carry-on and used for school purposes). Some students bring this and then some, and they instantly regret it when they have to climb four floors of stairs since most places in other countries don’t have elevators. Bringing too much luggage can also inhibit your traveling capabilities after the program ends, though there are places to store luggage in some cities. But… that’s all part of the learning experience. 

Below are a few lists, that ASA staff members have come up with, including things that students should definitely pack. If you’re questioning why to pack a certain item just trust us and you will eventually realize why you needed that once you’ve arrived in your host city...

Universal packing items (need these regardless of where you plan to study abroad)

  • Passport & license

  • 2 universal plug adapters- in-case one breaks

  • Cell-phone, laptop and chargers

  • ATM card & credit card

  • Host country’s currency

  • Purse/money belt

  • Contacts/glasses (and prescription in case you run out, lose or break anything)

  • Sunglasses 

  • Prescription medicines, vitamins, and your favorite OTC cold/flu/stomach meds (formulations are different abroad)

  • Motion-sickness medicine

  • Feminine hygiene products (brands can be different abroad)

  • Contraceptives 

  • TRAVEL-sized toiletries (can purchase full-sized brands abroad)

  • Antiperspirant (some countries primarily sell deodorant)

  • Reusable water bottle

  • Neck pillow (you will thank yourself every weekend you travel)

Clothing items

  • Comfortable, flat shoes (you will be doing LOTS more walking than you’re used to)

  • Slippers or flip-flops for around the house (in other countries people generally only wear flip-flops at home or at the beach)

  • Pajamas

  • Underwear & socks (plenty)

  • Gym clothes & sneakers (if you workout, hike or bike)

  • Bathing suit (in case you travel somewhere warmer)

  • Neutral colored clothing (so you can mix & match)

  • Pants & shirts with sleeves (churches & certain cultures expect modesty)

  • Rain jacket/boots/umbrella

  • Sweatshirt or light jacket

  • One dressy/semi-formal outfit

Research the city you’ll be studying abroad in to understand the typical weather patterns during the months you will be there…

Weather Specific Packing

Packing for spring/summer

  • Sunscreen (higher SPF is difficult to find in some countries)

  • Hat/cap (to protect your head)

  • Bathing suit & beach towel

Packing for fall/winter

  • Jacket for each season

  • Winter boots

  • Gloves, a scarf & a warm hat (need something to cover your ears)

  • Clothes you can layer & re-use

Reminder: Pack light but smart… you aren’t going to a deserted island, there will be stores to buy things…

And for those of you who still can’t figure out what to pack, there are endless blog posts on Pinterest about packing for studying abroad, but the more you read the more anxious you may become as the lists can vary. Different travelers need more or less depending on their comfortability and prior travel experience. So we suggest following our list, which was created by staff members who have studied abroad themselves.