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Taste of Chile: 5 Must Try Foods in Viña del Mar

Set along Chile’s 2,500-mile coastline, Viña del Mar’s food scene features fresh fish and seafood alongside other classic Chilean dishes and a great selection of international dishes inspired by other countries in South America, Europe, and beyond with everything from pizza to sushi to Argentinian style grilled meats.

We urge you to dive in and explore them all when you study abroad in the Garden City of coastal Chile, but don’t miss our top five eats below:

1. CHORRILLANAS. This is a hearty Chilean dish that comes from the nearby harbor of Valparaiso. It’s a combination of fries, caramelized onions, spicy sausage, and sliced beef topped with a fried egg or two.

2. COMPLETO. This is a loaded hotdog, Chilean-style, a messy dish of hotdog topped with chopped tomatoes, mashed avocado, sauerkraut, mayonnaise, and salsa Americana (a relish made of pickles, pickled carrots and pickled onions). You’ll find it in fast food restaurants or sold by street vendors.

3. PASTEL DE CHOCLO. This iconic dish is a local version of shepherd’s pie that is very popular in the summer months. It’s made with beef and a specific variety of corn called humeros corn that is popular locally. Usually, it is cooked in a wood-burning oven in a clay dish.

4. SEAFOOD. Seafood is one of the most popular items on the menu in Viña del Mar. Try the manchas a la parmesana which are Chilean razor clams baked in cheese and wine o the Chilean seafood stew called cazuela de mariscos. For fish options, try a grilled corvina or reineta which is one of the most popular choices for locals. Ceviche is also delicious, as is caldillo de congrio, an eel fish soup.

5. GELATO. Ice cream and gelato are very popular in Chile. For a local flavor, try the ulmo gelato which is flavored with Patagonian palm honey. We also recommend the dulce de leche flavor or the signature rose ice cream from Emporio la Rosa.

There are many other delicious, interesting and unusual foods to try when you study abroad in Viña del Mar: Empanadas (try the regional specialty with shrimp and cheese or one stuffed with pine nuts and ground beef), pebre (a hot sauce with tomatoes and chili), carbonada (a winter stew), humitas (one of the oldest local dishes, this is corn, onion, garlic, and basil wrapped and steamed in corn husks), and everything with avocado.

Have pics of something you’ve eaten abroad that you can’t easily find at home? Tag us on Instagram at @ASAStudyAbroad or #AwayWithASA. We’d love to see!