Academic Studies Abroad

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Why Study Abroad is the Best Way to Learn a Foreign Language


Have you ever seen a TV episode or movie where the heroine is able to de-escalate a situation because she knows the local language?

Wouldn’t it be so cool if you could bridge those cultural gaps like that heroine? Well, if you try to master a foreign language while abroad then you can!

Foreign language majors and minors are not the only ones who can benefit greatly from mastering the native language of the city they are living in.

The average study abroad student can adapt more easily to this new culture if they learn a language and here’s how/why:


Think of a line of dominos. The first domino represents you being placed in a completely unfamiliar culture.

The second domino represents the locals who constantly speak the native language around and to you.

The third domino represents your need to adapt to the city/culture you’re living in to be able to get by day by day.

The fourth domino represents your need to use and know the native language to be able to adapt (e.g. grocery shop, order at a restaurant, navigate using public transportation, etc.).

The fifth domino represents your comprehension and speaking skills strengthening from needing to rely on this new language to get by.

As soon as that first domino falls, meaning as soon as you are placed in an unfamiliar culture, you will find that learning the native language of that city is bound to happen if you are to adapt to and fully immerse yourself within a culture.


The more you are around locals, the more you will feel the need to speak their language and this will help you become closer to mastering it!

You will have a tendency to practice speaking it even to those that may know English, simply out of respect for the locals and your desire to go through your day to day life in this new city more easily.

The constant immersion will improve both your pronunciation and your understanding of the local language and you will return home with a strengthened command for it.

The majority of foreign language majors and minors choose to spend a semester abroad, if they’re not required by their program already, because of the irreplaceable benefits of the experience.

Even if you are not a foreign language major or minor, living and learning in an environment that doesn’t speak your native language provides you an opportunity to be exposed to a new culture, increase your confidence, and place you outside of your comfort zone.


Just because you choose to study in a city or town that speaks a foreign language does not mean that your classes will be taught in that language. Most of the time, study abroad courses are taught in English.

However, if you are a foreign language major or minor and want the experience of taking a course taught in the native language, you can find schools that teach certain classes in that language.

That is a great way to advance the depth of your understanding of the language. Look through your school’s course catalog and see what options are out there for you.


Haven’t taken a language course since elementary school? Want to try to learn a completely new language?

No problem!

If you do some research, you can find study abroad programs at institutions that offer pre-program language-intensive courses.

This means you’ll head out early to your study abroad location and spend some time learning the basics of the language! The program will give you a solid grasp of the local language so that you can feel comfortable living and learning in your new environment.

You can continue this knowledge with a course in the language during your semester or summer as well.


Living with a host family during your semester is another great way to dive into the culture and language. Once again, surrounding yourself with local, native speakers will prompt you to engage in the language with them.

Not to mention, many study abroad students choose host families because they want that family connection, and communication is the KEY to creating these relationships and having that environment.

Host families love to work with study abroad students and welcome them into their homes, so you will have an accepting environment that allows you to make mistakes and to be corrected without feeling embarrassed.

So whether you are or are not a foreign language major/minor, look into programs that can help you strengthen your language skills, and don’t forget the option of living with a host family!