Academic Studies Abroad

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Study at La Sorbonne in Paris!

Photo by: Niharika Srivastava

ASA now offers semester and year-long study abroad opportunities for those of you out there lucky enough to already be proficient in a foreign language. One such program that we are especially excited about is at La Sorbonne – Paris IV. While some programs say that they’re sending you to study at the Sorbonne, they are really sending you to a small language school set up for study abroad students that is simply affiliated with the Sorbonne. ASA, however, will send you to directly enroll with French students at the Paris IV division of the oldest university in Europe.

“Paris Sorbonne University is the main inheritor of the old Sorbonne, which dates back to the 13th century. It was one of the first universities in the world. The biggest complex in France, dedicated to Literature, Languages, Civilizations, Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, is located on the original medieval foundations, and now extends to the Latin Quarter and to other areas in Paris.The University has two characteristics: rich culture and tradition, with top-quality researchers, and therefore an excellent scientific reputation shown through publications and international exchanges; its concern to constantly adapt to present day social and technological changes and to encourage as many students as possible to study at Paris-Sorbonne while preparing for their future careers. The Sorbonne incites its students to think freely, to construct their own judgment, so that they can become responsible and inventive citizens who can promote dignity and peace culture.”

Professor Georges Molinié, Paris-Sorbonne’s chairman (

Paris, whose influence upon French culture is enormous, is the ideal city in which to learn and perfect French. Students have the options of home-stays with families and an excellent program of cultural activities in classical theatre, music, and dance, as well as excursions to the Loire Valley and Mont Saint Michel.