Academic Studies Abroad

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How to Decide Where to Study Abroad


So you’re thinking of studying abroad… but you have no idea where to go? WELCOME TO THE CLUB! Just about anywhere in the world sounds amazing, right? There’s England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Argentina, Peru and so much more.

It’s good to be flexible about where to go, but it can also be daunting to choose just one place!

Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect location for you:

  • Check your college/university’s study abroad requirements

  • Visit the study abroad office on your campus

  • Sort locations by interest, major & need

  • Make sure the program you’re interested in has classes that will count toward your degree, major, minor, etc.

  • Ask your academic adviser what courses have been approved in the past & check out the available course selections on the ASA website

College/university requirements:

  • Sometimes colleges have restrictions as to where and when students can go abroad

  • Start the process by sitting down with an adviser in the study abroad office to get the basic information

    • It is best to schedule an appointment sooner rather than later because some schools are limited in their advising department and study abroad advisers can be slammed with meetings every day

Sort locations by interest:

  • Do you want to learn a new language?

  • What size city do you prefer living in: small, medium or large?

  • Do you want to go to a rigorous academic school or not have classes and homework consume a good chunk of your time and energy abroad?

  • Is there a certain place you want to go to because of the cultural history of the area and its people?

Sort locations by major or subject area you want to study:

  • What’s your academic focus? Are you planning to take Gen-Ed’s or do you want to fulfill your French major?

  • Potential subject areas: anthropology, art history, biology, business, communications, computer science, education, exercise & sport science, fashion, history, hospitality/tourism, international relations, marketing, music, psychology, etc.

Think about the length of the program that would fit you best: semester, academic year, summer or January term?

January term programs

These 2 to 3-week programs in early January allow students to visit multiple cities/countries during one program. You’ll travel with your classmates and professor and take one course together. This is a great option for students who can’t spend a whole semester abroad.

Remember, you can always try out a January term program to see if you would be interested in applying for a semester or year long program in the same or a different city! It just depends if you have the financials to afford this “trial sized” study abroad experience. There is not a limit to how many times you can study abroad with ASA and we offer grants to those who study abroad through us multiple times.

Interested in a credit-bearing internship alongside courses?

Study and intern abroad in any of the following locations:

Interning abroad is a helpful way to transition into the culture and community of your host city. You could be working alongside or interacting with locals! What better way to learn the ins and outs of your city while potentially strengthening your language skills?

Wherever you decide to go and whatever you decide to do, ASA is here to help you make your study abroad dreams come true!