Academic Studies Abroad

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8 Tips for Adjusting to the First Week Abroad

Words and photos by Maddie Firmin who is studying abroad in Florence during Spring semester 2022.

Ciao from Italy!

The first few weeks of living in a foreign city can be daunting as you adjust to a new environment and culture. I recently began my study abroad experience in Florence. These past few weeks have been exciting and full of adventure, but have also come with the challenges of learning a new way of life.

My transition has been easier and more comfortable than expected though, so I’ve compiled a list of tips for adjusting to your new city which will make your transition as smooth as possible too!

1. LOCATE THE ESSENTIALS. Get to know your local grocery store and pharmacy. Locate various local stores and visit them all within the first day or two. Get to know the layouts and offerings well. This will make future grocery trips less daunting, quicker, and easier and you will know exactly where to go to get particular items.

2. LEARN LANGUAGE BASICS. You don’t have to speak the language fluently, but learn a few necessary phrases! Write down how to order at a restaurant or café, how to ask someone if they speak English, and say thank you, sorry, etc. Doing a simple google search of necessary phrases in the language will likely get you by in the beginning. Try to avoid immediately speaking in English to locals and at stores. It can be rude to assume that someone speaks English. Instead, politely ask in the foreign language if they speak English then proceed with the conversation in English if they are open to it.

3. ADJUST TO THE TIME ZONE CHANGE. Allow yourself to catch up on sleep, but also push yourself to get out and explore. Try to avoid naps and instead fall asleep at the normal bedtime of the country you’re in following your arrival. Sleeping at abnormal times will only prolong jet lag. Sleep in when necessary, but also take advantage of all the first week orientation activities with your site director.

4. MAKE YOUR ACCOMMODATION FEEL LIKE HOME. Make your apartment into your home. Unpack immediately when you get there and get organized. You’ll likely be busy the first few days and will continually live out of your suitcase otherwise. Get to know how to use your appliances and set up the various rooms to your liking. Putting up pictures from home is an easy way to make the apartment homier while also not taking up a lot of room in a suitcase.

5. LET ASA STAFF BE THERE FOR YOU. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your on-site director. They have the best insight into the city and will be more than happy to answer any questions, assist in navigation, and share the best places to visit around the city. They understand all the adjustments you’ll be making these first few weeks and are here for you to help you settle in comfortably.

6. MAKE SURE YOUR PHONE IS WORKING. Make sure you have a working phone with cellular data. Before arriving in Italy, plan out whether you would like to do an international plan with your provider or if you would like to get a SIM card. There are pros and cons to each option, but this should be researched and decided before arrival. You want to make sure you have a working phone so you can access directions while navigating a brand-new city not always connected to WIFI.

7. NEED SOMETHING, JUST ASK! Don’t be afraid to ask for things you need. Fill out the maintenance report for your apartment with any issues or requests right away. They are attentive and will take care of any needs.

8. ESTABLISH A ROUTINE. Get into a routine of eating meals at particular times, going out for a walk or run, attending classes, completing classwork, and exploring. Find a healthy balance and give structure to your plentiful free time.

Thanks Maddie!