Academic Studies Abroad

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5 of Our Favorite Study Abroad Destinations for 2023

Happy New Year!

Travel—whether it’s more sustainably, more creatively, more intentionally, or sometimes simply more—is almost always one of our new year goals. Among much more, travel challenges us, pushes our limits, helps us create unforgettable memories, shakes up our worldview, and makes us feel alive.

If you’ve been thinking about studying abroad, we may be biased, but we say embrace the opportunity this year!

Here are five of our favorite study abroad destinations for 2023.


ASA Destinations: Florence, Rome, Sorrento
A highlight: The food
Where you’ll study: Florence University of the Arts, John Cabot University (Rome), or Sant’Anna Institute (Sorrento)
Where you’ll stay: A shared apartment in Florence or Rome or if you’re going to Sorrento, you have a choice between an Italian homestay, an on-campus residence hall, or a shared apartment

Why Italy? Gelato, for a start! Not to mention pasta, pizza, and other delicious Italian dishes. Italy is an excellent destination for language learning, for architecture, art, fashion, and history. The weather is almost always enjoyable, and it’s also very easy to travel between cities and within Europe.


ASA Destinations: Barcelona, Madrid, Seville
A highlight: The architecture
Where you’ll study: Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid or Universidad Nebrija (Madrid), Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville) or Centro Universitario EUSA (Seville)
Where you’ll stay: A shared apartment, a Spanish homestay, or off-campus residence hall in Barcelona, a Spanish homestay in Madrid, or a Spanish homestay or shared apartment in Seville.

Why Spain? Sunshine is almost a given! There are layers of rich cultural experiences, dance, fashion, art, and history. It’s a great place to immerse yourself in Spanish language learning, indulge in tasty tapas, participate in the country’s many lively festivals, and travel through Europe.


ASA Destinations: Aberdeen, London, Newcastle, Oxford
A highlight: The history
Where you’ll study: London South Bank University, University of the Arts London, London College of Fashion, University of Roehampton (London), Newcastle University, or Oxford Brookes University
Where you’ll stay: Residence halls

Why the United Kingdom? In all of our UK destinations, there are large student populations and local amenities that revolve around students’ interests and budgets. It’s a country with a long and fascinating history, a great mix of cosmopolitan cities and relaxing countryside, and a rich cultural scene across music, arts, and fashion. From London, you can go anywhere, and from elsewhere in the UK, London is easily accessible.


ASA Destinations: Paros Island
A highlight: The arts
Where you’ll study: Hellenic International Studies in the Arts
Where you’ll stay: Studio or shared apartments

Why Greece? There’s nowhere quite like the Greek islands, and white-washed Paros is a beautiful base from which to explore. The arts program at HISA is a strong highlight. It’s amazing for beaches, water sports and fresh seafood, hiking and history, striking sunsets and sunshiny days with a pace of life that’s refreshingly slower than most of us are used to in the US.


ASA Destinations: Buenos Aires
A highlight: The nightlife
Where you’ll study: Universidad de Belgrano
Where you’ll stay: Argentine homestay or shared apartment

Why Argentina? A lively study abroad destination, Buenos Aires will teach you to tango, speak Spanish, and enjoy soccer like a Porteño. There’s a rich history, community, and delicious food, and the locals are welcoming and open-minded. Plus, you’re in an amazing destination to explore more of South America.

If there’s a study abroad roadblock that you keep stumbling on—funding, on-campus commitments, or a medical issue, for example—reach out and chat with one of our advisors. They have years of experience working with study abroad programs and students and may be able to help open some doors that make it possible for you.